 Ilheus (Brasile)... di Carla

"Tu hai creato la nuova me."
Il mentore


Di seguito gli interventi pubblicati in questa sezione, in ordine cronologico.
Di Carla (del 18/08/2006 @ 03:10:17, in Poems, linkato 2943 volte)

I wanted a life
successful and happy
I wanted my dreams
to become true
I wanted the world
to turn around me,

but all I want now
is to live that with you.


© 2006. A little poem in rhymes, for once.

Di Carla (del 04/08/2006 @ 02:32:14, in Poems, linkato 2879 volte)
In our bed, laying among the folds of our sheets
The breaths you’ve hidden. In the shadow.

So that I could find ’em.

For this night, I want.

Still, I want.
Di Carla (del 20/09/2004 @ 00:14:44, in Poems, linkato 2992 volte)

Bright like fire
in the light,
Dark like fear
in the night,
Soft like silk among my fingers,
Perfumed like desire,
my desire.

Of your hair I dream.

Di Carla (del 27/08/2004 @ 07:14:09, in Poems, linkato 3115 volte)
I feel like I’m trying to escape the pain
But it doesn’t work.
It’s always under the surface
Waiting for me.
I’m turning to something new
For not seeing it
But you are always here
Inside me
In my blood
Waiting for me.
I know I have to reach what I want
I know I’m farther now
since I don’t have the strength anymore
don’t have the courage anymore
to face the humiliation
I want to believe it’s a matter pride
But I know I’m just scared
To face the pain.
But I know the regrets are there
Waiting for me.
© 2004. Published in audiobook The Sound Of Poetry, USA, 2004, in the anthology The Best Poems and Poets of 2004, USA, 2004, and in the anthology Eternal Portraits Series, USA, 2005.
Di Carla (del 25/12/2001 @ 00:00:00, in Poems, linkato 3142 volte)

A cold breeze blows out the flame
of this candle while unknowing people
pray for this holy night to come.
Their hearts are love,
their souls are hope.
But I'm not here anymore,
I'm distant,
in another place, in another time,
where you never need a special day
to feel love,
where you can just see that in those
who are close to you.
But does this place exist?
Will this time ever come?
If someone only takes my hand now
and says "everything's going to be alright",
I will believe that.
And this candle will burn again.

© 2001. Written on Christmas '01.

Di Carla (del 10/10/2001 @ 18:37:41, in Poems, linkato 3773 volte)

It's suffering only to see you,
when your eyes look at me,
when your voice talks to me.

I feel just like a little doggy
joyfully barking to a possible master
and you are the only one
to whom I'd like to belong,
but you don't even see me.

And when you say my name
it seems something so different,
so perfect.

And when you glance at me
I'd like to sink into your eyes.

It hurts me, just your sight.
It hurts me, just your smile.
It hurts me, just as you are.

But you're the only pain
I'd like to have always with me.

© 2001. Published in the anthology of Noblehouse (UK) 2003.

Di Carla (del 10/10/2001 @ 18:31:08, in Poems, linkato 3587 volte)

Night, my only sister,
stay with this lonely soul,
console its sorrow,
dry its tears.
Hide with your darkness
the scares of this heart.
Let me forget the cold of indifference,
at least 'till dawn will make me face the truth.

© 2001. Published in the anthology of 2004.

Di Carla (del 10/10/2001 @ 17:00:24, in Poems, linkato 3773 volte)

I can barely say hi
and I'm already trembling.
Words confusing in my mind,
feeling and sensations
and I forget.
Would like to tell you more,
but do you really care?
Would like to look straight to your eyes,
but I'm scared and I turn my face.
So you go after a while,
my hopes fall,
and it's just like I'm dying.

© 2001. Published on the audiobook The Sound of Poetry (2002) and in the anthology of 2002.

Pagine: 1


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